Episode 067: St. Raphael’s Golden Buccaneers

“The St. Raphael’s Golden Buccaneers junior corps was organized in the fall of 1958 as a coeducational competitive marching activity as part of St. Raphael’s parish’s CYO music program.” …


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1 thought on “Episode 067: St. Raphael’s Golden Buccaneers

  1. AmyMarie

    Thank you to all that put this history together and for posting this. It is great to know this information. I've passed it along and also hope that those in junior corps will get involved again with today's youth and possibly join an alumni corps. If you are interested, Bridgeport, CT. has a junior corps waiting for you and an alumni corps. I will get the junior corps email/website later. The alumni corps – which is made up of all the junior corps members from Bridgeport's 50's -70's : http://www.theparkcitypride.org We have fun, march in a few parades and perform in a few exhibitions. Hope to meet you soon. Signed, AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia, Bridgeport, CT. (AmyMarie [dot] Vizzo-Paniccia [at] bridgeportct [dot] gov)

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